I have seen very little written on the patterns of implication, despite the fact that this was one of Milton Erickson's main covert patterns. Implications are weaker than presuppositions, but they are also much subtler, and much less likely to be noticed and challenged.
I think that we have only scratched the surface in developing NLP applications to learning and education, and my guess is that successful and deep application in this area would probably require a wholesale dismantling of our current western educational system.
What would I put in its place? Probably a system with two parts. The first and more basic part would teach children about themselves and about communicating with others, about the destructive consequences of our tendency to compare ourselves with others and then act in superior, judgemental, or scornful ways, etc. Part of this would include discovering how to “immunize” kids mentally with certain presuppositions, thinking skills, appreciation of diversity, maintenance of resource feeling states, etc., so that they would be forever safe from the variety of individual and social madnesses that now repeatedly ravage both the neighborhood and the globe.
In addition, there would be lots of exposure to the full range of human excellence that all cultures all over the world have accumulated over the centuries—all the arts and sciences (very loosely defined), and all other expressions of our diverse humanity. This would be provided to nurture kids' natural sensitivity, curiosity and inventiveness, a nonverbal message of the wide range of possible human expression.
Finally, an enormous learning facility full of resources would nurture children's curiosity, with guides to teach kids how to find the resources that they need in order to learn whatever it is that interests them.