Pleasant memories

Before placing these memories in the bank, be sure that you recall them fully, with color and movement, feelings and sound, including smell and taste where appropriate, as if you were experiencing them fully all over again. These will be valuable personal resources that can be withdrawn (with interest) and used at any time you wish, and as often as you wish, either simply for enjoyment, or in order to sustain you through difficult times. Unlike an ordinary bank, frequent and large withdrawals will earn additional interest, and the more often withdrawals are made, the more interest will be paid.

Additional interest will also be paid if you carefully review each of these memory events fully to learn what you did that contributed to their happening, and deposit these learnings in a separate account. Additional interest will be earned if you wiithdraw them frequently, and also if you periodically sprinkle these learnings liberally into your future, as if watering a garden.

Note: short memories are just as valuable as longer ones.

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