A utilization of the Andreas' article, “Selecting a Resource to Anchor”

A few days ago I found myself eating a meal prepared by my wife, made with all good quality vegetarian ingredients, basically a rice dish with lots of added stir-ins.

However, the first mouthful (a piece of carrot) tasted foul to me. I think it was a new stock cube she was trying out. Among the alternatives were spitting it out, swallowing it and forcing the rest down, swallowing it and then telling her I can't eat any more, etc.

Then I remembered the Andreas' article. I swallowed the mouthful (disgusting) and then swallowed some water. Then I recalled the time I suddenly changed from disliking to liking scotch whisky (less than one second originally).

In the middle of this memory of the transition state I took another mouthful and kept remembering that time. Three mouthfuls later I realized that I now quite liked the food. In fact by the end of the meal it was tasting quite good.

A few days later I was served up the same meal! I had forgotten about the first experience, until I noticed the first forkful smelled a little unpleasant. But as it got nearer my mouth it suddenly changed to smelling fine. A weird experience.

—John Forster

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