
1978-present: Trainer, Consultant and Developer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Co-founder of “NLP Comprehensive”.

1967-present: Owner and Editor of “Real People Press”, a small publishing company featuring books in new areas of psychology and personal change.

Current authors include Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Michael Colgrass, Eloise Ristad, Wilson Van Dusen, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, David Gordon, Michael Lebeau. Past authors have included Fritz Perls, Barry Stevens, Carl Rogers, Eugene Gendlin, John Shlien.

1968-77: Gestalt Therapist, Group Leader and Trainer.

1962-70: Instructor in Psychology, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA.

1962: Analytical Chemist, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Berkeley, CA.

1961-62: Ink Chemist, California Ink Co. Berkeley, CA.

1957-58: Polymer Chemist, Shell Chemical Corp. Torrance, CA.

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