Shame Pattern Demonstration (page 10)

Steve: This not is life supporting in the long run. (laughter) OK. Now, think about this whole situation, and I want you to feel that in your whole body, feel that whole situation, these resources, and your ability to evaluate a situation and respond the way you want to, and I want you to float up... above your timeline... and go back... as far back as you want to go. It could be to birth, or to conception, or wherever you want to go, as long as it is way back there... (Woman: OK.) And then come right up through time, carrying these resources, and each time you get to one of those times where you felt ashamed, it can change, and most of this will take place on the unconscious level. Go at your own speed and your own tempo... and come right up to the present...

Woman: (surprised/satisfied) Humph!

Steve: Now, see yourself in the future, going on in the same way in any such situations where other people are attempting to impose their standards. Consider them and decide if that is something that you want to accommodate to or not...

Woman: Yeah!

Steve: Now that looked pretty good.

Woman: Thats... yeah... thats real nice.

Steve: Is that good? (Woman: Ummm. Yeah.) Do you want to do it again? (Woman: Um... yeah.) Take a double dose back now. (Woman: OK.) Float above, go back to wherever you went. This time come up a little faster, just come zipping up, and when you get up to the present, look out into the future and see yourself in the future with these resources in all the appropriate situations.

Woman: OK. (laughing) I have to share the auditory part that I am so good at—its kind of like, Eat your heart out, buddy. (laughter)

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