Reframing Objections

Most people are quite happy to be able to transform their grieving to a reconnection with the lost experience, but some will have objections. Before proceeding, it is very important to respect these objections, and find out what the positive outcome of each objection is. Once the outcome is known, the task is to find a way that the the transformation will either not interfere with the outcome of the objection, or even support it better than the grieving does. Here are a few examples:

  1. 'I don't want to say goodbye.'
  2. 'If I experienced the lost person as being here with me, people would think I'm nuts.'
  3. 'If I experienced the lost person as being here with me, it might interfere with my relating to other people in reality.'
  4. 'Grieving is a way to honor the dead.'
  5. 'Well, I guess it would be fine for me to do that, but if I were happy about the person who is gone, my family and friends would think that I didn't care about her/him.'
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