References 1

Published in Anchor Point, Volume 18, No. 2. pp. 25-43.

  1. Andreas, Steve. “Diffusing Reflexive Anger” (forgiveness) Phoenix AZ, Zeig/Tucker/Theisen, 1999. (A complete verbatim transcript of this session can be found online at:
  2. Andreas, Steve. Transforming Your Self: Becoming who you want to be. Moab, UT Real People Press, 2002.
  3. Andreas, Steve. Book Review: Whispering in the Wind, by John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St.Clair. Anchor Point, Vol. 17, No. 3 March, 2003, p. 3.
  4. Bodenhamer, Bobby G. “The Meta-Yes and No Pattern.” Neuro-sematics web site, 2003.
  5. Bolstad, Richard. “Providing Heroic Challenges on Trainings.” Anchor Point, Vol. 17, No. 6, June-July 2003, pp. 9-20.
  6. Feynman, Richard, The Meaning of It All, Reading, MA Perseus books, 1998.
  7. Hall, L. Michael, and Bodenhamer, Bobby G. The Structure of Excellence. Grand Junction, CO Action Printing, 1999.
  8. Hall, L. Michael. Meta-money: wealth building excellence. The society of neuro-semantics, Grand Junction CO, 1999.
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