The Kinesthetic Swish Process
Find a situation to change by:
- remembering an upsetting feeling from your past, or
- thinking of an upsetting feeling associated with your future, or
- recalling an upsetting experience and letting that experience become a feeling you can locate in or on your body.
- Identify the Cue Feeling: an upsetting feeling on or within your body (associated). This feeling should be a sensation, not an emotion.
- Break State: “What's your telephone number, backwards?”
- In front of you, physically sculpt your Desired State Feeling within or on an evolving, future you (dissociated), a you who has already solved your felt issues. He or she is being different, is not perfect, but feels confident, resourceful and has a sense of humor.
- Now, gently press the evolving, future you with Desired State Feeling down into the ground in front of you, as though you were setting the spring in a “Jack-in-the-Box.”
- Break State: “What's your telephone number, backwards?”
- Now, as you begin to sense the Cue Feeling, allow that feeling to rapidly diminish as it moves down your body and into the ground (as though it were being drained or squeezed from you, like toothpaste from a tube).
- Simultaneously, sense the evolving, future you (which has the Desired State Feeling) spring up from the ground in front of you. And as the evolving you is coming up, place your finger-tips on his or her shoulders, feel him or her facing you, and feel the radiating sense of internal confidence, resourcefulness and humor coming from within him or her.
- Now, feel a gentle rain coming from the sky and washing over you (break state). The gentle rain washes away the wonderful, evolving you and your arms return to your sides.
- Slowly repeat numbers 6, 7 and 8 at least three times. Then 3 times fast.
- Test: Try to get the upsetting feelings. If there are no upsetting feelings, the process is complete. If you can still get the upsetting feelings, ask for the positive intention of the upsetting feelings, satisfy them with reframing and, when ecologically sound, repeat the Kinesthetic Swish.
© Copyright 1988-1999 Robert McDonald, 366 Hihn Street, Felton, CA 95018.