The difference between preaching and teaching is not widely recognized, particularly in the area of education and personal change. Preaching can set forth worthwhile goals, and that can be a useful first step that orients you toward a solution. However, teaching is what you can use to actually achieve those worthwhile goals. A further distinction can be made between teaching and training. Training includes the “hands on” practice that transforms good teaching into practical skills.
Some 2,000 years ago Christ preached the importance and value of reaching forgiveness with someone who has harmed you. Although he demonstrated forgiveness amply, he apparently wasn’t able to teach or train others how to actually reach forgiveness.
It is only recently that we know how to teach someone to reach the compassionate understanding that we call forgiveness. About ten years ago, my wife, Connirae, and I developed a method to rapidly teach someone how to reach a congruent, full-body experience of forgiveness. This process usually takes less than an hour, and we have trained thousands of people how to teach others to do this. (4, 7) A few years earlier we developed a similar effective method for teaching someone to resolve their grief, and transform it into an experience of gratitude for having known the lost person. (1, 2, Ch. 11) This book has similarly rapid processes that you can use to become the kind of person you want to be.