How People Think of Loss

The variety of ways that people use to think of someone who is gone is fascinating. Before reading on, you might find it interesting to pause and notice how you represent someone you have lost....

Everyone uses some variation of There, but not really there. One way is to see the person, but he is somehow insubstantialtransparent, flat, floating off the ground, in a framed snapshot, etc. Perhaps you can see a dent in a bed, or flattened grass in a meadow, but no one is there. You may see yourself with the person far away, so you are only an observer; you arent with the lost person so that you can enjoy the good feelings you once shared. One man remembered a dead friend by hearing her voice on the telephone, but it sounded tinny, like an old recording, instead of a real person speaking.

After resolving a loss, we think of the lost person in our minds in almost the same way that we think of others who are still a part of our lives. They are alive for us in a sense, even though we know the person is actually dead or gone. What better way could there be to honor those who have been important to us in the past, than to carry on the value theyve given us, with us,... and to go on to share it with others?

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